In partnership with Blanchard Creative Group and Walley Films, the virtual show premiered on Sunday, May 16 as the culmination of the Foundation’s annual scholarship program, which went fully virtual in 2021.
Having been chosen from a field of more than 100 applicants from 26 high schools throughout South Texas through a virtual audition process, 25 student performers will each be awarded scholarships to the college or university of their choice. 2021 preliminary audition judges included: Karishma Ahluwalia, Trevor Berger, Dawn Davis Loring, Rosa Gardner, Emma Hearn, Thomasina Gross, Kathleen Langford, Keith McDonald, Jerry Ruiz, Christine Sienicki, James Scully, Jennifer Ashley Tepper and Marisa Varela.
In addition to scholarship funds, each finalist had the opportunity to participate in online coaching sessions with theatre professionals who have worked on Broadway, off-Broadway and the West End.
Finalists for the Acting Award wrote and performed their own pieces for the 2021 Joci Awards Show.
Grant Pace – Best Lead Actor in a Musical: Maria from West Side Story & I Love Betsy from Honeymoon in Vegas
We invest in the past, present, and future of the performing arts by preserving historic theatres and nurturing young theater artists.